Μεταφορές με βυτία Riandros Trans
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Why should you choose us?

Why you should choose us for your transport needs:

  • Many years of experience in the business of transport of tankers.
  • Experienced drivers with knowledge of all transport rules and regulations.
  • Immediate response to costumer needs.
  • Collaborations with companies like: DELTA, FAGE, Major oil producers etc.
  • Experience in transports from/to Italy, France and other European countries.
  • Compliance with every term of agreement concerning the transportation of goods (times of load/unload, conditions of transport e.g. material temperature inside the tanker, capacity of load etc.)
  • Tanker wash prior to the load of the liquid with the respective certificates.
  • Tankers with separate compartments for better load convenience.
  • Pricing in proportion to the work load and always taking into consideration the market status.

Tanker Truck Transport - Riandros Trans

40th Zafeiri Kalatha Str.
P.C. 192 00 Elefsina
phone/fax +302105543230
mobile +306989288621